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Small sized all-terrain vehicle MT-04

Small sized all-terrain vehicle MT-04

- Videoshooting from MT-04 tests in bogs of Nizhnevartovsk. You REALLY HAVE to look at this! The possibilities of this small sized all-terrain vehicle in overcoming water barrier, inspire admiration! (3 475 168 bite)

>>MT-04 tests<<

Tech characteristics:

Weight, tonnes - 2,15. Overall dimensions: length - 3750 mm, width - 1600 mm, height - 1850 mm. Number of places in a cabin - 4 (2). Average specific pressure upon a ground, kg/sm2 - 0,17. Max speed, km/h: on land - 40, on water - 5-6. Engine type - UAZ-4218, engine power, h.p. - 100

The modification with 2 places in cabin is issued (special order only)

Installation of the following additional equipment is possible

- GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING DRILLING MACHINE (drilling to 15 metres deep possible)

- electric hoist, a portable radio set and other

- Modification with a drive from VOM (prospecting drilling machine with power up to 50 kW, the welding generator and other)

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